Us Fellas are in for a tough time…

Us fellas are in for a tough time over the next few years.Apparently we are due to get fatter and fatter and fatter more so than our lovely ladies. The scientists have been out proving that we are not tuned into our eating habits as much as we think. In fact if I had a…

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7 Steps to Transformation Success (Video)

Transformations like the ones we perform at Sphere in our Dublin and Maynooth locations are all based on doing the basics with consistency and determination. Couple that with our accountability, coaching and support and you are on to a winning formula. If you are not sure where to start however, I recorded a webinar with…

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Where to Start When You Keep Falling off Your Diet (Video)

As a personal trainer I have often seen over the years in working with folks who find it hard to stick to anything that everyone has their own starting point. This has led to some incredible real world transformations over the years. You know that feeling when you start something and can NEVER follow it…

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