Sphere Fitness Now Online...

Online Coaching

Take Your Health and Fitness to New Levels with Bespoke Coaching online

LIVE Online Coaching Classes

Direct coaching in-person online either in a group format or 1-1.

Join a group and work through a progressive mobility, core and all over body cardio and toning session all in 30 minutes! Sessions are live or recordings are available*

Or book in online and have our coaching team help you in a more personal setting

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Online Health and Fitness Coaching

Struggling to get done what you WANT to get done? That is the art of coaching - ensuring that you acheive a tangible result from the time and money you invest in the service.

We help busy working professionals find that time to ensure that everything relating to diet, training and activity is done with the accountability and support to ensure it.

Delivered via our state of the art app, you can track everything to ensure that you are progressing in the right direction.

No more second guessing yourself...use what works for you! Limited spots available each month

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Hear from some of our members...

“I simply owe the team at Sphere Fitness and in particular Gavin and John my life, what they have given me cannot be truly put into words, my wife and 3 children have a healthy happy husband and father and I have gained a whole new beginning”

Dave 40 year old managing director

over the course of the 8 weeks I learned a really important lesson. I started to fee less accountable to the group, and more accountable to myself. That was ground breaking. Thanks to the program, for the first time after a quarter of a century trying, I met my target weight of 85kg.

Niall Over 40s Project Winner

“Having my measurements taken every couple of weeks and finding MY sweet spot with food was huge. I needed to feel like I wasn’t depriving myself with foods as meals were balanced. I also now to just ‘do better’ with my exercise regime”

Kevin 40 year old, company director

I'm not getting any younger and despite not drinking very much and not smoking I needed to think of my long term health and fitness. I have three sons (14,16 and 21) and I am fitter than all of them at 45!

Mark Over 40, Company Director


Hear from more of our members...

Hi I'm John Lark

I'm founder of Sphere Fitness and I want to tell you why Online Coaching is here to stay...

I own and operate a 'bricks and mortar' business here in Maynooth. People come to us, get results  and typically leave with the result they were looking for and the education to maintain it.

But some people still wanted our help.

Since 2005 I have coached people as far away as Australia, France and NZ using remote or 'online coaching'. Just ask Pieter, my athlete who I work with training and playing in France for the last 8 YEARS. It works. The relationship we have is strong and it is what I would consider 'real coaching'.

Things have evolved since then and in 2017 we offered a hybrid online component to our in-person coaching. We felt that we could do more for our clients OUTSIDE of the gym environment. We launched our app and since then it has been a game changer for us.

There is more transparency. More check ins. More accountability. More support, help and coaching available outside of the gym. Let's face it, it is not easy to 'get to a gym' withlife, work and family pressure. This brings it to you.

Then 2020 hit. The COVID-19 pandemic. Which has forced us to change..but not all that much. Instead we are offering what we normally do except in an online setting.

We haven't 'closed'. We have had to temporarily evolve.

Yes, it is different and for me intensely uncomfortable.  I love the 1-1 in-person interaction and the human element. And boy, I can't wait to get back to it.

But for now we will throw our weight, energy and experience behind this and help you in any way we can. This is something we strongly care about.

In that respect, nothing has changed. I do hope you will support us and look forward to meeting you

Yours in health

- John

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Our guarantee is pretty simple: If you do each step in the programme and engage fully with the process (this isn’t in anyway a spoon fed plan) and do not make your investment back we will give you 100% of your money back after 30 days - no questions asked.

Top Frequently Asked Questions

Are you closed? +

Yes, we are closed as a brick and mortar operation since March 15th. However, we have very much been online since delivering classes and 1-1 Personal Training Sessions.

I'm an existing member of the gym with my membership frozen... +

Since closing on March 16th we have frozen all memberships. In that time we have worked hard as a team to stay together and stem any expenses we can. However, there are still significant expenses being incurred. We are asking, where possible, for your support by reactivating at the Bronze or Gold level for the short term.

I am unemployed/financially constrained and can't afford to stay on +

We deeply sorry to hear your situation and circumstances. That is why we have maintained an 'open access' to our LIVE classes. Feel free to come along for FREE. There are also nearly 200 exercises online over at our You Tube channel for you to work with that can be performed at home with minimal equipment.

I am not tech savvy! Is this suitable? +

Yes, of course. My mum joins sometimes 🙂 It is simply a case of clicking on the link that is sent and voila!

Do you offer 1-1 Personal Training? +

Yes! We do. These are by appointment and charged on an hourly basis. Message john@spherefitness.ie for availability.

In the group can I be anonymous? +

Absolutely. When you sign in you can choose not to insert your name. For security reasons we would ask that you insert your initials.

I have a few injuries, is this able to work around them? +

As a qualified physical therapist who marries strength and conditioning we are fully aware that you may carry a few knocks and niggles over the years. Don't worry we can easily work around and provide alternatives. We also provide preventative measures to help you avoid the treatment couch!

What Are You Still Waiting For?

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