Keeping It Simple….

I was kinda a little despondent yesterday.
You see I boiled down around 14 years of nutrition study
and application into about 2 sentences with a client.
Eat whole foods.
Take time and Connect with your food. really is that simple.
And this is probably where you are starting out.
Even my most advanced clients would keep to these
basic principles.
And don’t we all love simplicity.
Anyhow here are a few nutrition life hacks that I know
will make this even easier to understand.
1) prepare your meals in advance. 
If you want to do it you will find the time and I GET IT.
You don’t have time. Like I said, you have the same 24 
hours as everyone else.
2) Make your plate as colorful as possible.
White toast and butter ain’t exactly a picasso canvas.
3) Take your time when you eat
Connect with your food and enjoy what it gives you and
4) You should have smaller plates if you have kids and you 
are a female. 
5) Eat your veggies or make them appear somewhere on your
plate. Even if it is a token carrot.
These really are the king.
6) If it is one step away from its original source it will probably
TAKE from you then GIVE to you.
I don’t know – seems like silent robbery to me.
These and a tonne of other stuff are available on our
programs and we would be happy to run through 
them with you.
John Lark is a personal trainer in Maynooth and Owner of Sphere Fitness