What makes Sphere Fitness so unique?

As we move into our 10th year in business, we are often asked what do you do up in Sphere? It is hard. Our model changes as we change. Our model is refined as we refine what we learn. But what stays true is putting the needs and goals of the clients first. We have a  passion for results that leads us to learn, drive and understand what will lead to long lasting change. And this? This is what makes us different. ‘Unique’ for want of a better expression.

There are 8 ways in which we can be differentiated from our competition.

1. You are unique – we treat you that way

“Sure Mary we can help you! Just hop into that class there, grab a weight and away we go!”

There is no doubt that you will come across some of the most passionate and energetic folks when you come into the fitness industry. But sometimes this can come at a cost. Why? Because you need a certain level of screening and analysis before you participate and often this goes-a-miss. Sometimes niggling ailments become full on visits to the physio.  Instead of starting at a level that worked for the individual the fitness coach just throws them in at the deep-end with movements and drills that are too advanced.

At Sphere we take our time in getting to know you.

What makes you tick.

What have been your obstacles in the past, your ailments that become more than a niggle? Then we have the information to take this a step further and write you your own program. It is personal training but in a group setting.

It all begins with our BodyCheck. An NCT so-to-speak. During this assessment we get to know YOU. Where you are at with your nutrition, diet, training, health, lifestyle, injuries, aspirations and what makes you tick. Then and only then can we even think about mapping out your road map. Project You.

This is the key to where so many of us set ourselves up to fail. Essentially by setting the goal posts way too narrow so that the possibility of success is unlikely.

Unlike other approaches we take our time in finding out what your weak link is and starting there. For some it could be your nutrition, training. For others it could be your lack of sleep, lack of skills like cooking and working out whilst you are traveling extensively. Whatever it is, our laser guided focus helps.

That has to be a personal approach for results. There can be no guess work.

2. We provide a results driven environment

We don’t rent equipment. Unlike most gyms that literally provide you with a place to work out we do the complete opposite.

And that is why I set up Sphere in the first place.

To be the complete antithesis to the commercial gym.

Where they give you use of the treadmill, we have piece of equipment that deliver faster results in less time.

Where staff are no-where to be seen (or head down on Facebook), we are there pushing you every step of the way.

When you need that check-in, accountability and support we are right there – not lost hiding in the studio.

When we don’t see you – we call you.

Where mirrors are, we choose not to put up any. We don’t need vanity. That is reserved for when you choose to be naked with your nearest and dearest.

For some folks a structured training program is exactly where folks need to start. Correcting a chassis that is slightly out of line – rather than be thrust into a high intensity exercise offering only to pick up a niggle 2 weeks into your ‘life long’ transformation.

Can you imagine? This is the failing of most Bootcamps.

We have opening hours that are fully staffed too. When you come to train, you are there with a coach to help you every step of the way. With 30+ hours to choose from you are not restricted either.

We have tools. But they are just that.

We use your own bodyweight, barbells, some machines, trx, kettlebells, power lifting, some olympic lifting, strongman equipment, dumbbells, stretching and advanced mobility techniques.

All of this is irrelevant though if for a start a) the person teaching you it doesn’t know their anatomy and ways to harness their effectiveness and b) if they aren’t skilled to give you a progressive plan that ensures you get the most out of your training.

Sometimes we even recommend that the gym is not the first place to start. Why not work with our nutrition coaching modules to gain the energy to do this first?

We want you to succeed at a pace that we know you can succeed at. Our environment is non-intimidating. There are no crazy cult like followings with our colors pinned to the mast of the nearest health and fitness offering. If it is useful we use it. If it isn’t then we don’t. If we can’t,we can point you in the right direction with other trusted professionals.

We have followed that mantra since we opened our doors in 2005.

3. We can prove it!

“Success leaves clues”

Over the last 10 years, we can provide substantial evidence that what we do works. Not just the lbs, inches and fat lost but also the transformations within individuals that have come through our doors. How many gyms do you know can provide you with evidence that their methods work?

We have hundreds of living breathing testimonials from all walks of life. So next time you are thinking of joining a gym – can they actually help you with your goals?

There are training centers that provide a training experience.

But where are the results? Think about what you want.

Not what the owner/instructor thinks you need. If you want to lose 14lbs they should have a clear pathway for you to achieve it and give you an idea of how long it will take. Or what about run your first 5K? Start exercising when you have never done so in the past? Or perform better at your sport?

If so –  can they prove it!

We want you to gain a return on your investment. For that we deliver.

4. Highly qualified with an emphasis on continuing improvement and learning

Ireland suffers greatly with an industry that is largely unregulated. This can spell trouble when it comes to serving a growing obese population and one that is vulnerable and needs a long term solution to the problems that they face.

Make no bones about it, the job of the fitness professional is serious. We are at the coal face. We can do something about it. But the welfare of the client has to be taken seriously.

Whilst there are some excellent professionals out there I question the vast majority who lack the passion of the industry. Ask the next person you see the last course they attended?

I would hazard a guess to say that they couldn’t answer that.

Unfortunately, qualifications can be picked up in a weekend. Even worse –  online. Once these are gathered they are put straight to work with YOU. At Sphere we take our roles very seriously.

Each year we hire qualified professionals with real world experience. They must walk the walk, be qualified and also have the passion to stay on top of their game.

Every year all of us attend courses and up-skill in areas such as strength and conditioning, nutrition, functional medicine, physical therapy, soft tissue, injury.

Coupled with this our in-house training extends to topics such as injury rehabilitation, hormones, psychology and other topics relevant to our clients. The learning never stops. We insist on bringing to you only the best and latest information. Not some cookie cutter fitness program printed off the internet.

5. Work with you from YOUR starting point – not ours

We have seen it in so many cases where Mary is put on a diet that is so far away from her current eating habits that the chances of success are zero. Likewise, a fitness program that has about a million exercises that scares the hell out of Emma who has never exercise in her life.

Burpees may make a great Facebook meme but for Dave who can’t tie his shoe laces – they are the last thing he needs.

It is vital that you are met where you are at, encouraged, supported and given a route towards where you need to go. Not dictated as to where you should be. That, my friend, doesn’t work. Most of us are so shit scared of exercise, eating healthy and being well that we are paralyzed into inactivity.

I have seen the eyes roll when someone who has struggled with their weight come into gyms to be met with the ‘chicken and broccoli tupperware munching’ crew.

With Sphere, we attempt to shrink that gap. Not make it some elitist playground where only the fittest shall survive. And if this is you…stop. (You owe to a picture bigger than what you could imagine to help more people with your expertise)

6. Support in every aspect of health and fitness

Most fitness centers provide a training experience. And that is it.

You see the problem is results come with the other 23 hours of the day.

Most of us know that eating healthy is about cleaner foods, a bit of exercise, managing stress and sleep but we don’t do it. Why? Because we lack support accountability and guidance. Rent-a-treadmill down the road isn’t going to provide that.


Because you actually have to give a shit about your clients.

You actually have to take pride in the results you are trying to achieve with individuals. After all – that is what they are paying for you right? Results? If not, leave now. They are laughing at you.

For us – this is everything. The chance to support you every step of the way as you change your life. We are lucky. Lucky to be in a position to actually change someone’s life with what I call ‘our toolbox’.

SImply put this means we have to be in a position through what we learn to bring you the very best that we can. Each and every day. For us when a client sees the change that they had in their mind at the start of the road it means the world.

7. Guaranteed results after 30 days

I don’t know any other places that are willing to out their money where their mouth is. We do. Because we can. It is giving you piece of mind that if you invest in our unique offering that you are receiving the best, backed up by results and saving you TIME and MONEY by giving you the short cuts to success.

8. For us you are as strong as your weakest link

There are so many false assumptions fitness professionals make about their members and attempt to impose on them without any consideration.

Abs are made in the kitchen (not knowing that she burns toast and can’t cook)

She just needs to get exercising (not knowing that she is dreadful in managing her time and keeps finding excuses to self-sabotage)

He needs to stop smoking (not knowing that this one of THE hardest things to do and can often lead to over consumption of calories when you stop)

She needs to stop eating carbs (not knowing that she actually has a thyroid disorder and suppressed rT3 levels which will get worse with a low carb approach)

Whilst all of this may be the case, we carry no agenda with you and your starting point. This has nothing to do with us and ‘our’ approach. We know what works and what doesn’t but we want you to succeed long term.

Concluding Comments

There is nothing flash or trendy about The Sphere Experience. What sets us apart is that we are able to provide all pieces of the puzzle when it comes to getting you in incredible shape. We understand and can more importantly inspire, coach and cajole you in nutrition, training and lifestyle where others will struggle.

We will provide the energy, support and the guidance.

All you have to do is provide the consistency.

John Lark is owner/founder of Sphere Fitness.

Little known fact about John is that he was Woodland’s Infant School Paper Aeroplane throwing champion and believed at the time he had set a World Record (you can imagine his reponse)