Why is fat loss so tough?
Or perhaps we should reframe that….
Why do we make it so hard?
Well in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t.
You just need to
– Eat clean
– Move more
– Sleep well
– Lower your stress levels
That’s it.
So why are we not all running around with pretty
little six packs.
Because 0.1% of the population can do this and
get lean.
Yep – you know the ones. They are ones lecturing
you about your portion size and move more.
They may even be leaders at a slimming group.
So why are we finding it tough?
Well here lies the hard bit. Because in essence there
are tonnes of reasons why you shouldn’t be.
Take for instance our environment.
You have these things called obesogens that
scientists have begun to recognize.
They are man made pollutants that interfere
with our body’s chemistry.
One of the ways this bites us is with excess fat.
Maybe one of these obesegens reacts badly with
your thyroid and lowers your metabolic rate?
Or resides in your fat tissue sending out false
appetite messages
We are talking about things like pesticides, herbices,
plastics, hormones, flouride, parabens (found in our
skin products).
That is why detoxing is a 24/7 process.
Not a 7 day cleanse.
Or a 14 day cleanse.
We are bombarded with chemicals day in day out
and unless we
– Eat clean
– Move more
– Sleep more
– Stress less
our system gets overloaded.
And suddenly exercising 24 hours of the day
7 days of the week becomes totally futile.
A good transformation plan looks at the following
and ensures they are all in place:
1) Your emotional state
2) Your detoxification status – how nutrient rich are you?
3) Your nutrition and whole foods with plenty of
organic veggies
4) Exercise regime – is it too much? You need the
right ‘dose’
5) Sleep patterns
6) Your stress hormones
7) Your thyroid
8) Your digestion
You see there is far more to this than folks let on.
You have to BUILD HEALTH to lose fat.
Not lose fat and wonder why you feel like sh*t.
Yesterday I HELD BACK someone from
hitting the gym….
I wanted him to spend his time cooking and
eating right
You see it is all about finding out your weak link
chasing that down FIRST. This thing snowballs.
It is one of the core things we teach on our
Stay tuned next week. I have a cool announcement
about the next Hell and Back in September.
As a subscriber you get first dibs on this.
You know I love your 😉
Yours in health