This will help

Your goal is, at most times, irrelevant.

Anyone can dream big. ‘Think’ good stuff into their lives and wish for something better.

But what are you actually going to DO to PRODUCE a result?

That is what it is all about…In sport we use to call them ‘spoofers’. Lads who ‘talked a good game’. They are now at the bar propping it up having ‘never quite got there’ in their words.

The thing is there is only 1 thing that should concern you when you are trying to strive for that goal.


What did you do today, in line with what you want, to keep you on course?

I know what if I want to hit a physical goal in 12 weeks then for me I need to do the following:

– Track my calories
– Schedule a workout every day
– Hit my protein, carb and fat numbers
– Eat whole foods with a large serving of vegetables at each meal
– Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
– Drink 3 litres of water every day
– Train with intensity and purpose, trying to set new records each day

Then ask yourself at the end of the day – Did I do it? Yes or no.

There is no ‘maybe’ or ‘not quite’

Crush this week
