Testimonial – Phill

Meet Philly Philly came to us to help him overcome a life-changing event that left him paralysed from the neck down. After a stay in the incredible National Rehabilitation Hospital Philly needed somewhere to help him get back on his feet and learn how to move again. Since joining Sphere Fitness Maynooth, Philly has inspired…

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Testimonial Paul Live Well

Testimonial – Paul

Paul, nearly 60, joined Sphere Fitness and our programme to help him manage his weight, increase his energy and live without aches and pains. Since joining Sphere Fitness he has dramatically improved his lifestyle, has increased energy and moves much better!  Moreover, his energy is through the roof which enables him to handle the demands…

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testimonial 50 plus fitness programme

Testimonial – Joan

Joan had never been in a gym before and like anyone in this situation was scared, anxious and unsure. Was she going to the be least fit amongst a group? Able for the exercises? Ready, willing and able to invest the time in herself? Hear from Joan, a participant in our ‘Live Well’ Programme about…

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