Why is fat loss so tough?
Why is fat loss so tough? Or perhaps we should reframe that…. Why do we make it so hard? Well in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t. You just need to – Eat clean – Move more – Sleep well – Lower your stress levels That’s it. So why are we not all running…
What’s in your trolley John?
It always makes me laugh when I am ‘caught’ at the Supermarket. ‘Howiya John” followed by a peek in the trolley. I keep it simple but there maybe a glimpse of something sugary or a ‘treat’. ‘Holy shit, John…you ok?’ You see demonizing foods was given up a long time ago. I live in the…

Getting Started and How to Keep Going
When I wrote my final year thesis on some random democratic theory in Eastern Europe I remember being paralysed by starting. For days I was there just staring at the screen. It was mind numbing. I just couldn’t get going. I did everything to distract myself too. Social media was only in its infancy so…