Resistance Training for Women – The Myths

1. If you lift weights, you’ll bulk up! It’s physiologically impossible for women because testosterone is responsible for increasing muscle bulk, and women simply don’t have enough of this predominantly male hormone to build Schwarzenegger-sized bulges. 2. Lifting weights will get rid of “lovehandles” and any other unsightly bulges.The truth is that there is no…

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The Kaizen Approach to New Year’s Health and Fitness

“The Kaizen Approach to New Year’s Health and Fitness” by John Lark Gyms laugh in January. They open their doors to a stream of enthusiastic and motivated individuals decked in the latest spandex offerings and with the zeal of a child diving into a pack of sweets. They take your details, ask a few probing…

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Who says Girls Shouldn’t Squat?

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