Testimonial – Denise

One of the most important if not THE most important components of getting in shape is knowing why or what for, and if you’re passionate about that reason, well then nothing will stand in your way. What separates the people that are in good shape to those in not so good shape, the list might…

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Testimonial – Shaun

Performance analysed to each millisecond, running technique, kicking technique, each blade of grass, each facial gesture, double meanings to everything, seems like it’s all about pundits and analysis, even analysing the analysts From Gaelic games, to Rugby, to soccer, to basketball, to M.M.A, the list goes on. We’re exposed to more sport now than ever…

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Testimonial – Mark

The checklist of your average male in their 40s. Flat out in work? Check Young Kids? Check Financial worries? Check. Low in energy? Check. The list goes on. All legit and all too common first world problems, and Mark is no different. “I was 44 years old and I had gotten to a point where…

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