Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

As a personal trainer in Maynooth I wanted to just clear up some confusion. First exercise is what it is. A superb way to provide you with longevity, health, vitality and energy. If you do it right you may even lose a bit of weight when combined with a sensible eating plan. However, if you…

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Calories vs Habits – Why it is not ALL About the Calories

It is obvious when you have been working as a personal trainer in Dublin for 5 years alongside working with hundreds of clients that a calorie is not just a calorie. I love the calorie debate. Eat less (consume less calories than you need to run the engine) and do more exercise. Simple. How many…

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Cellulite – The Annoying Relative

As a personal trainer in Maynooth I see frustration. For most women, it is like the annoying relative that has over-stayed their welcome. Recent research revealed that Dublin women suffer more from cellulite than the rest of the country with nearly one in three complaining it causes them problems. This compares to 19pc of women…

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