Why do I Thank the Japanese for Fat Loss
Why do I Thank the Japanese for Fat Loss Well, I have to admit that to thank the Japanese for fat loss would be a slight exaggeration. However, they are responsible for one pleasant, or not so pleasant chap called Professor Tabata who has made working out, training, exercise or whatever you want to label…
How to Power Start Your Day
There was a time when breakfast used to be the time when most of the family were together. Papa Smurf popped off to work after reading the paper, Mamma Smurf cooked up the eggs and cereals, whilst the kids lamented over their day at school. Fast-forward 50 years. Most people are on their way to…
Ten Minute Health and Fitness Solutions
In a world of quick fixes who can blame us for searching for the quickest and fastest route to sometimes the hardest finishing line? It is often said that ‘slow and steady wins the race’. When it comes to health and fitness this is certainly the case. Learning to enjoy the ride and discovering what…