The Adrenal Glands And Their Affects On Our Health

Adrenal GlandsThe adrenal glands play an integral part in ones health, a fact that is often forgotten. Many of us have under performing adrenal systems which manifests itself in a recurrent low immune system, constant state of physical and emotional stress, poor physical conditioning and a complete inability to produce sufficient energy to get you…

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How to Stay Motivated

Staying Motivated Its time to get back to the gym people. Tomorrow is the start of a new month and its time to get your gym gear ready and get back on track with that exercise programme you started in January and for some reason or another you fell off the wagon. Maybe it was…

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Resistance Training for Women – The Myths

1. If you lift weights, you’ll bulk up! It’s physiologically impossible for women because testosterone is responsible for increasing muscle bulk, and women simply don’t have enough of this predominantly male hormone to build Schwarzenegger-sized bulges. 2. Lifting weights will get rid of “lovehandles” and any other unsightly bulges.The truth is that there is no…

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