
Every year, more money is spent promoting the use of alcohol than any other product. Perhaps through its elaborate and creative marketing, the most basic, yet important fact about alcohol is often overlooked — alcohol is a drug — the most commonly used and widely abused psychoactive drug in the world. One concept that many…

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Squatting With Heels Raised

A lot of people have difficulty squatting past parallel, because they’ve never done it before. And when they do, they find it hard keeping their torsos upright at the bottom of the movement. They lack the flexibility to do full squats correctly, because their Achille’s tendons just don’t allow for it. How do you know…

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The Adrenal Glands And Their Affects On Our Health

Adrenal GlandsThe adrenal glands play an integral part in ones health, a fact that is often forgotten. Many of us have under performing adrenal systems which manifests itself in a recurrent low immune system, constant state of physical and emotional stress, poor physical conditioning and a complete inability to produce sufficient energy to get you…

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