The Dangers of Milk Consumption

This guest post is from my collegue, Phil Richards a nutritionist based in the UK. I have known Phil for a good while now and he is at the forefront of nutritional understanding and application. He has a plethora of experience at all levels from Olympic athletes, World Strongman, Cancer Patients and Joe Public. Check…

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Sunbeds, Fat Loss and Health

As a personal trainer I have been meaning to write this for a while now and only this week saw the debate about Sunbeds rear its ugly head again. And we are not talking about the head of the not-so-healthy health minister here. Typically what happens in Ireland is a rallying call from the political…

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The Two Roads of Health

This week in Maynooth was spent at Sphere Personal Training explaining to people that results come one of two routes. One is quick and short-lasting, the other is gradual and long-lasting. There are two roads in health and fitness. One is the lock and load, fire it up and attack it with all you can…

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