Change your brain lose fat

I watched my eldest son yesterday spend the best part of 30 minutes practicing his kicking with a rugby ball. It was a great day at the park. Sun was shining and the ball was flying around like a rocket. I kept asking him if he wanted to play on the swings but he said…

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Lessons in Health and Fitness from Generations

I did a talk this week to a local business who were quite an active bunch. It got onto the whole ‘processed food’ debate. I was trying to link it into the whole ‘what’s healthier a jaffa cake or an orange’ and ‘what’s going to give you more energy and life as a result?’ I…

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The 1st Meal Principle

I suppose it is a reflection of our times that rarely will anyone ‘make time’ for breakfast any more. I mean I have to literally beg people to get up a little early to make a nutritious breakfast. Sometimes it is like asking them to pull teeth. “I want you to have a little protein…

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