Fast Fitness
Well, I have to admit that to thank the Japanese for fat loss would be a slight exaggeration. However, they are responsible for one pleasant, or not so pleasant chap called Professor Tabata who has made working out, training, exercise or whatever you want to label it as an excuse of the past. The phrase…
Ketosis and The Low Carb Approach Bad Rap
Aaahhhh!! The K Word or the forbidden dietary conundrum. Yes it shouldn’t be used by uncontrolled type 1 diabetics, pregnant women or those with an existing kidney condition. But for the vast majority of us it is perfectly safe. Ketosis is as Lyle MacDonald states “the shifting of carbohydrate to fat as the body’s preferred…
Never Set a Resolution
Does it seem that you find yourself setting New Years resolutions every year and yet be caught in the same vicious circlecome next year writes personal trainer in Dublin John Lark. Here is how tobreak the mould and actually get where you need to go. It seems everywhere I look the word‘resolution’ is staring me…