The Two Roads of Health
This week in Maynooth was spent at Sphere Personal Training explaining to people that results come one of two routes. One is quick and short-lasting, the other is gradual and long-lasting. There are two roads in health and fitness. One is the lock and load, fire it up and attack it with all you can…
The Reality Check
As a personal trainer in kilcock I stand by the following principles. “Methods are many, principles are few, methods may change, and principles never do” So as I read this week that a common range of fat burning pills have been removed from the market it comes as no surprise. This is coupled with the…
Why Weight Watchers Stinks for Fat Loss
I hate weight watchers and as a personal trainer I have seen many a victim of its folly. There you go, I said and used the dirty ‘h’ word, but it is true. In fact nothing turns my stomach more than seeing another points chart, low-fat cereal bar and neurotic, moody woman so pre-occupied with…