What Exactly Do You Put on Your Skin and Why It Is Making You Fat
Our morning routine is as casual as putting on our shoes. We hop in the shower, wash and shampoo then clean our teeth, use the latest formula in anti-perspirant deodorant and head to our first meal. And this is before we even think about what we have for breakfast, what we dye our hair with,…
“I can’t do it for You”
Taking responsibility for your health and fitness is often the first and most crucial step on the path to your goals. It is your fault that you dug into a box of biscuits and equally shovelled down 12 pints of beer at the weekend. Equally so it is your choice that you watch mind-numbing (and…
The Power of Organic Foods (the Cheap Way)
As a gym owner in Maynooth I am always surprised at folks avoiding the bigger picture when it comes to fat loss. I opened the paper there the other day to see Gwyneth Paltrow sprawling over the paper saying that organic foods should be available for everyone because they are tasty and good for you.…