Meal in Minutes Ideas

I was inspired the other day by a single mum who is uber busy and uber successful who at the same time needed some tips to give her the energy to succeed. More exercise wont cut it. New skills are where she needs to look. 1.      Take in inventory of your skill set Imagine I…

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10 Tips to Stay Healthy When You Are On the Road

1.     Stay hydrated Maintaining our hydration levels is so important for optimum health and one we seem to neglect when we drift from meeting to meeting and car trip to car trip. What makes matters worse is that we often meet for ‘coffee and tea’. Rarely would we arrange a meeting over a “glass of…

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The One Month Itch

Motivation is a funny thing. One minute it is there in abundance. The next it has vanished just as quick. And as a personal trainer I have seen all levels. For most of us this is around the one month mark. It was only the other day that I was speaking with a client at…

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