Making Fitness a Part of Your Day

Sometimes health and fitness has little to do with what you eat, drink or think. As a personal trainer in Dublin I can testify to the fact that those who succeed in keeping a lean physique make it part of their schedule. But like anything it takes practice. I mean it is a large part…

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Breaking Your Bad

I know most of us have vague idea of what is good and bad. ‘A Health Compass’ for want of a better word. But why the disconnect? Why is it SO hard to break your bad habits? I know something inside of you has prompted you to take the plunge. Perhaps it is the niggling…

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When A Man Loves A Woman

I love married life. It follows a period of moving in together, a bedding in period and then the fun really begins! It is like learning to drive. You don’t actually learn to drive until you get your licence. You may ask what this has to do with fat loss. Well, we deal with a…

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