Keeping things as simple as possible
I love married life. It follows a period of moving in together, a bedding in period and then the fun really begins! It is like learning to drive. You don’t actually learn to drive until you get your licence. You may ask what this has to do with fat loss. Well, we deal with a…
Be Careful With Your Company This Time of Year
Do you soar with eagles or peck with the chickens? This could be one of the biggest questions that you present yourself with when it comes to shifting the stubborn pounds of fat. Success author Jim Rohn states you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. So cast aside…
Are You Ready?
Are you ready writes personal trainer in Maynooth , John Lark? Sometimes change is a step too far for folks. But that is ok. Maybe you need to work out where you are now. No matter what I said to this one client, no matter what I did or tried to do he just wasn’t…