Keeping It Simple….

I was kinda a little despondent yesterday.   You see I boiled down around 14 years of nutrition study and application into about 2 sentences with a client.   Eat whole foods.   Take time and Connect with your food. really is that simple.   And this is probably where you are starting…

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Case Study – David

Like anyone else starting out, Dave 35 had his reservations. In his mind: “the challenge had become so big.The biggest obstacle at the start was finally realising that anything worth doing right, will be tough, will be painful but the rewards will last when the rest is gone” It was a grounded starting point and…

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Case Study – Debbie

Debbie is a single Mum to two kids – one 6 the other 4,  and holds down a full time demanding job. She has a tough commute too. That alone would fill the excuses bin to full and over the brim. So much so that inevitably nothing happens. Not with Debbie, aka the Slevinator, to…

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