Our Belief Will Trump Your Own

Our belief in you will trump your belief in yourself. I have no doubt about that. That is why folks hire us. Either they can’t do it by themselves or need that extra push. It is amazing to see Here is Nula who thought she couldn’t lose the baby weight. “Well did my progress pic…

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Why you binged

Binged last night? or slipped out of your diet? You are not the only one. In most cases that binge you had over the weekend is your physiology (your body) trumping your psychology (mind). You can’t out think your hormones. They are going to do what they are going to do. That is why I…

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Why do you do this to yourself?

So I opened the fridge there last night only to find a big shiny green object in there. My face dropped and heart sunk. The blood sunk a away from my face. Dark chocolate. My kryptonite. I have no will power when it comes to this. In past instances I would have overridden the sweats,…

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