Kim Kardashian’s Backside and the Three Tin Diet
Crazy diets, mad regimes and frustration can topple any plan very quickly writes gym owner, personal trainer and bootcamp creator covering Maynooth, Kilcock, Celbridge and Leixlip John Lark I nearly choked on my cornflakes there the other day when I glanced down at my wife’s magazine. Kim Kardashian’s backside took up most of the front…
Willpower? 2 Exercises to Help You Boost It
Is will power a myth and what can we do about it, writes personal trainer in Maynooth, John Lark. Here are a couple of exercises that anyone can try. Willpower? Pure nonsense or at least in what we come to think of it. Picture the scene….you open the fridge to the bar of fruit and…
[Video] Reflection on Health, Fat Loss and Nutrition
I came across this video and as a personal trainer it hit home the message that habits are formed and forged from such an early age. Let us help you unravel them before it is too late. John Lark is a personal trainer and fat loss specialist combining nutrition, training and supplementation for tailored results.…