Where to Start When You Keep Falling off Your Diet (Video)
As a personal trainer I have often seen over the years in working with folks who find it hard to stick to anything that everyone has their own starting point. This has led to some incredible real world transformations over the years. You know that feeling when you start something and can NEVER follow it…
Testimonial – Denise
One of the most important if not THE most important components of getting in shape is knowing why or what for, and if you’re passionate about that reason, well then nothing will stand in your way. What separates the people that are in good shape to those in not so good shape, the list might…
Testimonial – Shaun
Performance analysed to each millisecond, running technique, kicking technique, each blade of grass, each facial gesture, double meanings to everything, seems like it’s all about pundits and analysis, even analysing the analysts From Gaelic games, to Rugby, to soccer, to basketball, to M.M.A, the list goes on. We’re exposed to more sport now than ever…