Seven Ways to Stick to Just About Anything

Sticking to a diet plan is the most difficult thing to achieve writes personal trainer in Maynooth and gym owner of Sphere Fitness, John Lark One of the toughest things to do is to stick to anything. I should know – I have started more things than I have finished. Fact. Anyhow when I see…

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Not Feeling the Best?

Got the blues? Then try exercising early in the morning. I could never work out why I always felt better through the day when I had thrown around a bit of tin first thing in the morning. Well the science has caught up and now it can give you a bit of a lift for…

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Our Belief Will Trump Your Own

Our belief in you will trump your belief in yourself. I have no doubt about that. That is why folks hire us. Either they can’t do it by themselves or need that extra push. It is amazing to see Here is Nula who thought she couldn’t lose the baby weight. “Well did my progress pic…

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