The Dad’s Guide to Health and Fitness

As a Dad into health and fitness I have  been meaning to write this for a while. And as dad of 2 young boys I can certainly get a better understanding of where the parent vs. get healthy and fitter conundrum sits. Being a Dad is a wonderful experience and I tip my hat to…

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Why you are not losing weight

Why am I not losing weight? writes John Lark personal trainer and founder of Sphere Fitness Maynooth. He outlines some of the key reasons why you may not be seeing the results you are looking for… I get how you feel. This weight loss, dieting and exercise is tough work. And sometimes you just don’t see the results.…

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How to Deal with Overhwhelm

How_to_Deal_with_Overwhelm from John Lark on Vimeo. In Summary:- We look at a few ways to develop the level of focus that keeps you on track without getting overwhelmed in the process. Recognising that change is tough! So stop trying to fight it…. Mind the Gap between knowing and doing… Finding Your Why Setting 90 Day…

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