4 Reasons for Relapse on Your Diet

Mary had just suffered relapse for the 3rd time in 3 weeks. It was happening on Saturdays. Herself and Derek ordered in a takeaway and 2 bottles of wine later, a slight hangover on Sunday and before she knew it she was waking up to Monday. “Why?” Cue the guilt and resistance to eating anything…

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7 steps towards maximum fat loss

The mountain of change can be somewhat overwhelming when you start out on your fat loss journey. Yet no one ever reached the top without taking the first step. As a gym in Maynooth we have had our fair share of experience dealing with folks who struggle to ‘get started’ Change is the hardest thing…

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7 Ways to Stay in Shape On Your Holidays

When you first started your 8 week holiday journey you did so with a firm date in your mind. Your holiday, or a stint of traveling that would have you away from your routine for a couple of days, weeks even months. You train and diet your backside off and know that this impending holiday…

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