Case Study – Spotlight of the Month

  When it comes to effort and consistency then Pat has it in abundance. Currently Pat trains around 3 times a week, mainly in our group H.I.I.T classes. “It took a year and then the penny dropped…I mean I was here this morning and now I am here again this evening..I feel great!” Cast minds…

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Case Study Results from Sphere Fitness Gym in Maynooth

As a gym in Maynooth over the last 15 years we have seen our fair share of success stories. After laying some strong foundations and trying several other facilities, it became clear to Kevin that something was missing. It wasn’t through a lack of effort or desire, or consistency of actions. Or the previous effort…

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Sphere Combine

The Sphere Combine is a special event held to test the fitness levels of participants in a nonjudgmental, relaxed and fun way. Over the course of the 2 hour event, participants will be tested on the following: Aerobic fitness (via the Bleep Test) Anaerobic fitness (via the Fitranx System) Strength (Trap Bar Deadlift and Bench…

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